=== WordPress Share Buttons Plugin – AddThis === Contributors: abramsm, jgrodel, bradaddthis.com, addthis_paul, addthis_matt, ribin_addthis, addthis_elsa, addthisleland, sirius226, addthisjhilts Tags: share buttons, social sharing, social share, social, social marketing, social tools, WhatsApp, AMP Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Stable tag: 6.2.6 License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Now compatible with the AMP Plugin! Free Share Buttons from AddThis. Share to Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many more. == Description == Now compatible with the AMP Plugin! The Free WordPress Share Buttons Plugin from AddThis makes it easier than ever for your audience to spread your content around the web. Our quick-loading Share Buttons Plugin lets you connect to over 200 social channels including Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and many more. Our clean, customizable and simple share buttons are beautiful, quick to load and recognized all over the web. AddThis is trusted by over 15,000,000 websites with over 2 billion unique users, sharing content all over the world, in more than sixty languages. = Types of Share Buttons: = * Floating share buttons: Placed on the side of your page, following your reader as they scroll. A great way to promote sharing without getting too in-your-face. * Expanding share buttons: Modern, clean, and best suited for sites with tons of mobile traffic. This button expands to reveal sharing options on hover or click. * Inline share buttons: Integrate share buttons into your own content for a seamless sharing experience. * Image sharing buttons: Seamlessly integrate sharing into your layout with adjustable image sharing buttons. Perfect for pages with tons of shareable content. = Customizable: = * Designed for desktop, tablet, and mobile * Choose from over 200 social media channels to display * Adjust coloring to match your brand = Analytics: = * Sign up for a free AddThis account to get analytics on how your content is performing such as your top shared content, referring social networks and more. After you register, these analytics are accessible by logging into your AddThis.com account and visiting your AddThis dashboard. Analytics include site pageviews, your top shared content, referring social networks, and more. = Support: = We strive to provide best-in-class support with a response time of around two hours, and a customer satisfaction rate of over 98%. To get in touch with our team, head to http://www.addthis.com/support. = Check out our other plugins to help you grow and engage your audience! = * Follow Buttons: Add followers to 65+ social networks, including Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and more. * Related Posts: Boost your on-site engagement with our Related Posts tool, which recommends content not only by what's popular, but also what's most relevant. Want more? Visit our website to learn how you can activate our Email List Building and Link Promotion Tools. AddThis Academy | Privacy Policy == Installation == [youtube https://youtu.be/EIG5PT5ZQ9A]
= Installing AddThis directly to WordPress: = 1. Sign up for AddThis at: https://www.addthis.com/register 2. Go to your **Get the Code** tab and copy the code that looks similar to: `` 3. Go to your WordPress Admin Dashboard, hover over Appearance => Editor and click on the **footer.php** template file 4. Paste the AddThis code you just copied right above the closing tag 5. Save the file changes = For an automatic installation through WordPress: = 1. In your WordPress admin sidebar, go to **Plugins** and then click on **Add New** 2. Search for **AddThis** 3. Click **Install Now** and activate the plugin = For a manual installation via FTP: = 1. Go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/addthis and click on **Download** to download the AddThis zipped plugin files 2. Unzip the plugin files  3. In FTP, upload the entire **addthis** plugin folder you've just unzipped to your `/wp-content/plugins` directory 4. Go back to your WordPress dashboard, click on **Plugins** in the sidebar, find the AddThis plugin you've just uploaded and click **Activate** = To upload the plugin through WordPress, instead of FTP: = 1. Go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/addthis and click on **Download** to download the AddThis zipped plugin files (do not unzip this file) 2. Go back to your WordPress admin dashboard, go to **Plugins** and click on **Add New** => **Upload Plugin** 3. Upload the zip plugin files you've just downloaded and click on **Install Now** 4. Once WordPress is done uploading the files, just click on **Activate Plugin** == Frequently Asked Questions == = Is AddThis free? = Yes, AddThis is free for all users! = Do I need to create an account? = No, you do not need to create an account in order to control a limited number of AddThis sharing tools from within WordPress. In order to use more AddThis tools and see your site's analytics you will need to create an account with AddThis. It requires an email address and name, but that's it. = Is JavaScript required? = All AddThis website tools require JavaScript. JavaScript must be enabled. We load the actual interface via JavaScript at run-time, which allows us to upgrade the core functionality of the menu itself automatically everywhere whenever a new social sharing services comes out. = Why use AddThis? = 1. Ease of use. AddThis is easy to install, customize and localize. We've worked hard to make a suite of simple and beautiful website tools on the internet. 2. Performance. The AddThis menu code is tiny and fast. We constantly optimize its behavior and design to make sharing a snap. 3. Peace of mind. AddThis gathers the best services on the internet so you don't have to, and backs them up with industrial strength analytics, code caching, active tech support and a thriving developer community. 4. Flexibility. AddThis can be customized via API, and served securely via SSL. You can roll your own sharing toolbars with our toolbox. Share just about anything, anywhere ­­ your way. 5. Global reach. AddThis sends content to 200+ sharing services 60+ languages, to over 2 billion unique users in countries all over the world. 6. GDPR compliant – All of our website tools are GDPR compliant. = What PHP version is required? = This plugin requires PHP 5.2.4 or greater and is tested on the following versions of PHP: * 5.2.4 * 5.2.17 * 5.3.29 * 5.4.45 * 5.5.38 * 5.6.31 * 7.0.22 * 7.1.8 = Who else uses AddThis? = Over 15,000,000 sites have installed AddThis. With over 2 billion unique users, AddThis is helping share content all over the world, in more than sixty languages. = How do I remove AddThis from a page = In the screen options you can enable the AddThis meta box. Check the box and save if you've already published that page or post to disable AddThis on that page or post. = Are there filters? = Yes! There are lots of filters in this plugin. Filters allow developers to hook into this plugin's functionality in upgrade-safe ways to define very specific behavior by writing their own PHP code snippets. Developer documentation on our filters is available. This documentation lists all the filters for our plugins. This plugin does not include filters for follow tools or related post tools. = Are there widgets? = Yes! There are widgets available for all AddThis inline tools (the ones that don't float on the page). Developer documentation on our widgets is also available. This documentation lists all the widgets for our plugins. This plugin does not include widgets for follow tools or related post tools. = Are there shortcodes? = Yes! There are lots of shortcodes in this plugin. There are shortcodes are available for all AddThis inline tools (the ones that don't float on the page). See our documentation on our shortcodes. This documentation lists all the shortcodes for our plugins. This plugin does not include shortcodes for follow tools or related post tools. == Changelog == = 6.2.6 = * Fixed a bug which caused unneccessary errors in log when in AMP mode = 6.2.5 = * Fixed an incompability with AMP for WP plugin = 6.2.4 = * Added AMP support for tools made in anonymous mode * Added configuration option to disable AMP support = 6.2.3 = * Removed notices regarding AMP = 6.2.2 = * Added compatibility detection with official AMP plugin = 6.2.1 = * Fixed an incompatibility with PHP < 5.4 = 6.2.0 = * Added support for AMP in registered mode when used in conjunction with the official AMP plugin * Removed references for Google+ = 6.1.8 = * Fixed a bug where a script tag causes browser errors in certain circumstances = 6.1.7 = * Fixed a bug where previewing a new post may remove tools = 6.1.6 = * Removed Pro features and country dropdown menu for registration page = 6.1.5 = * Updated yaml configs and added script tag to login page = 6.1.4 = * Remove uninstallation hook = 6.1.3 = * Added actviation/deactivation/uninstallation hook * Upadate readme.txt and screenshots = 6.1.2 = * Updated error messaging that is no longer relevant regarding related post tools * Tested compatibility with Wordpress 4.9 = 6.1.1 = * Fix for PHP notice from AddThisPlugin.php on line 610 * Changing the permission capability used for determining when users can edit AddThis settings from activate_plugins to manage_options. This will allow most admins on multi-site instances to edit settings. More information on WordPress roles and capabilities. = 6.1.0 = * Fix for PHP error from AddThisSharingButtonsMobileToolbarTool.php line 66 * Fix for PHP error from AddThisSharingButtonsFeature.php line 200 * Fix for PHP notice from AddThisFeature.php line 652 * Fixing error message complaining about plugin not being compatable with itself for upgraded users. * Correcting language for widgets in conflict mode after upgrade * Removing line breaks from HTML added to public pages * Not using addthis.layers() json on page when user is using their AddThis account as this creates buggy behavior * Disabling the wp_trim_excerpt by default as it's the most likely to cause theme issues * Adding error message if browser can't talk to addthis.com and communication with AddThis APIs are required for funtionality. * Adding requested AddThisWidgetByDomClass functionality that will allow users adding a widget via PHP to customze the URL, title, description and image used for that share. Please see the widget documentation for more infromation. = 6.0.0 = * Plugin rewritten from scratch. * Adding shortcodes for use inside posts for all current AddThis tools * Redesigned the plugin's widget to work all current AddThis sharing tools. The class for the new widget is AddThisWidgetByDomClass. Widgets created through WordPress's UI will automatically be migrated to use the new class. However, any hard coded use of the old widget class AddThisSidebarWidget will need to be updated before upgrading. Developer documentation on the new widget is available. * The filter addthis_post_exclude is replaced with addthis_sharing_buttons_enable. Please review the documentation for usage. * Optionally, allows users to set up their AddThis account and AddThis site profile from inside WordPress. * Optionally, walks existing AddThis users through logging into their AddThis account and picking a site profile to register their plugin without leaving WordPress. Once registered, AddThis is able to start collecting Analytics on your visitors social use of your site. No more copying in Profile IDs! (Analytics are only available at addthis.com.) * After registering the plugin with AddThis, Pro users can edit settings for any share tools from within WordPress. * Full compatibility with the current Follow Buttons by AddThis, Related Posts by AddThis, Smart Layers by AddThis, and Website Tools by AddThisplugins. = 5.1.3 = * Fixing preview options in plugin settings * Using a more unique preview identifier to reduce likelyhood of conflicts with other plugins (specifically Public Post Preview) = 5.1.2 = * Resolves a bug where above excerpt sharing buttons would be added whenever below excerpt sharing buttons were enabled * Adding back in the addthis_post_exclude filter = 5.1.1 = * PHP notice at addthis_social_widget.php:1337 * PHP error for older versions of PHP (< 5.3.0) at addthis_settings_functions.php:476 * Adding select configs and page info into addthis_plugin_info to aide the AddThis Support Team with troubleshooting = 5.1.0 = * New feature: set your own addthis.layers() paramaters to customize further using our Smart Layers API (in WordPress mode only) * Fixing a bug with the AddThis Sharing Buttons meta box not showing up for users in AddThis mode when editing posts * Fixing a bug with addthis_config where the JSON wasn't always checked before submitting the settings form * Fixing a bug with the sharing sidebar, where the theme for the sidebar was used for all AddThis layers tools (in WordPress mode) * Fixing a bug between AddThis Sharing Buttons and AddThis Follow Buttons, where saving changes in Follow Buttons would reset Sharing Buttons settings * Support for WordPress 4.3 = 5.0.13 = * Fixing XSS bug in the administrative panel = 5.0.12 = * Fixing a bug that resets settings to defaults during the upgrade for users in AddThis mode * Reverting to pre-5.0.9 settings of plugin for upgrades from 5.0.9, 5.0.10 and 5.0.11 = 5.0.11 = * Fixing overwrite of $addThisConfig global to resolve more PHP errors where a function is called from a non-object = 5.0.10 = * Fixing bug where all checkboxes get unchecked on first settings page save * Fixing PHP error with getConfigs() on a non-object in addthis_social_widget.php on line 1086 = 5.0.9 = * Updated troubleshooting information available to AddThis support to be more in line with other plugins, including providing the anonymous profile IDs to help in moving over statistics to registered profile IDs upon request. * Improving the way variables are being shared to support global AddThis variables between AddThis plugins (not supported yet by any other plugin) and plugin specific settings. Specifically, this is to make sure things such as the profile ID or addthis_config settings are the same across all AddThis plugins. * Refactored the filter used on wp_trim_excerpt in WordPress mode to better interact with other modules' and themes' filters on wp_trim_excerpt, excerpt_length and excerpt_more (such as mh-magazine-lite) * Resolving issues with PHP errors for URLs with %s in them when using "Select Your Own" services * Resolving services bug, where once a user selected their own for above or below content, the custom services where always used, even if the user went back to Auto Personalization * Fixing bug with a PHP warning for undefined index below_chosen_list = 5.0.8 = * PHP notice fix for AddThisConfigs.php on line 204 = 5.0.7 = * Changed the page/post edit screens AddThing sharing buttons checkbox to on/off radiobuttons * Added a checkbox to the plugin's settings page's Advanced Options tab to enable/disable the per page/post sharing button configurations mentioned above = 5.0.6 = * Limiting when we filter content from get_the_excerpt because of issues with the manshet and backstreet themes * Reducing PHP warnings and error messages * Adding back in addthis_config.ignore_server_config JavaScript variable for WordPress model (for on page configurations) * Adding data-cfasync="false" to all AddThis JavaScript to stop CloudFlare's RocketScript feature from breaking sharing buttons = 5.0.5 = * Adding all WordPress mode Advanced Options to AddThis mode Advanced Options. These are primarily options to edit the addthis_share and addthis_config JavaScript variables used by AddThis tools, as well as giving you the option to choose whether to load the AddThis script asyncronously. * Removing conflicts with WordPress Login Box plugin * Removing conflicts with AddThis Follow Widget plugin * CSS to remove new lines from br tags between our buttons, because some themes add them and break stuff (such as Customizr) * Exposing more objects for use with adding sharing buttons to troublesome themes = 5.0.4 = * PHP error fixes for strict modes of PHP = 5.0.3 = * Reduced the size of the plugin by removing unused images = 5.0.2 = * Fixes for WordPress instances running on PHP verions below 5.5 = 5.0.1 = * Improved migration of checkbox settings from 4.0 plugin * Improved settings page layout on mobile devices and small screens * Improved CSS class naming around red/green enable sliders on the settings page, to reduce CSS conflicts * Proactively removing all other CSS and JavaScript files from other plugins when on our settings page to reduce conflicts with other active plugins * Removing unused CSS = 5.0 = * Two functional modes allowing users to choose whether to control sharing buttons from within the WordPress admin area (with limited features), or through the AddThis Dashboard at addthis.com. * Sharing sidebar configuration available within WordPress (in addition to the previously available sharing buttons above and below content). * Seperate preferences for what sharing buttons appear on what templates. * Cleaned up plugin and removed deprecated AddThis config options. * Added beauty. * Removed the global configuration for custom service list. * Removed support for themes that use the get_the_excerpt method because of inconsistent results across themes. = 4.0.7 = * Added node marker and loop cap to getFirstElderWithCondition to solve infinite loop * Fixed the issue where characters *,+,- were printed in feeds = 4.0.6 = * Adds data-url and data-title attributes to get_the_excerpt toolbox divs = 4.0.5 = * Fixed js folder = 4.0.4 = * Fixed issues with certain themes using get_the_excerpt method * Fixed issue with Share layer and Recommended layer showing up in wrong order * Fixed issue with Recommended layer showing up page title instead of Recommended layer title * Fixed PHP warnings in Divi theme = 4.0.3 = * Removed addthis initialization function (addthis.init()) to avoid javascript error in async mode. * Added option to show inline sharing buttons on category and archive pages = 4.0.2 = * Control inline share buttons for each page/post * Implemented asynchronous script loading * Added option to add checkbox to show/hide Addthis sharing buttons in admin post add/edit page. * Prevented buttons showing on 404 error pages * CSS fixes * Added css classes to prevent inline div from taking extra spaces = 4.0.1 = * Frictionless integration with AddThis Dashboard. * Updated services list in description * Added new snapshots to give more idea on the new plugin flow * Minor text changes = 4.0 = * Integrated with AddThis Dashboard. * Managed the plugin in such a way that, tool settings can be controlled from AddThis Dashboard * Provided options to upgrade to new setup for the existing users = 3.5.10 = * Minor bug fix = 3.5.9 = * CURL bug fix = 3.5.8 = * Resolved conflict with another plugin = 3.5.7 = * Minor updates = 3.5.6 = * Fix for better analytics = 3.5.5 = * Minor bug fixes. = 3.5.4 = * Fixed JS errors in Options page. = 3.5.3 = * Fix for wrong url being shared while using Custom Button option = 3.5.2 = * Minor bug fixes. = 3.5.1 = * Reintroduced Custom Button Code box = 3.5 = * Drag and drop customization of buttons * Better preview of buttons * Bug fixes = 3.1 = * Better support for excerpts * Internal issues with tw:screenname resolved * Better JSON validation * Bug fixes = 3.0.5 = * Bug fixes: Style conflicts resolved = 3.0.4 = * Bug fix: Style conflicts with some themes resolved * Made friends with WPSupercache = 3.0.3 = * Bug fix: Style tags are now allowed in Custom Code box. = 3.0.2 = * Bug fix: Conflict with WpSuperCache resolved * WordPress 3.5 style conflicts resolved = 3.0.1 = * Bug fix: Issues with usernames/passwords with special characters = 3.0 = * UX changes in admin settings * Credential verification in Admin settings. If AddThis account details are wrong it will be notified to user. * Bug fixes = 2.5.1 = * Added hashtag support for Twitter * Conflict removed with AddThis Follow and AddThis Welcome Bar WordPress plugins * Bug fixes = 2.5.0 = * New streamlined and simplified share menu * Added Instant Share for Facebook and Twitter * Updated Pinterest support * Bug fixes = 2.4.1 = * Bug fixes = 2.4.0 = * Refactor how we add code to pages which should eliminate how many times it is added * Numerous Bug Fixes and a few new filters = 2.3.2 = * Add opt out for copy tracking = 2.3.1 = * Don't strip pintrest tags from custom buttons = 2.3.0 = * Add Google Analytics option * Update settings interface = 2.2.2 = * Fix custom button whitespace saving issue = 2.2.1 = * Fix compatability with 3.2 * Fix over agressive regular expression = 2.2.0 = * More Customization Option * optionally shorten urls with one bit.ly account = 2.1.1 = * Add +1 = 2.1.0 = * Add Twitter Template Option * Add Post Meta Box * Add top shared/clicked URLS to dashboard * More Filters = 2.0.6 = * define ADDTHIS_NO_NOTICES to prevent admin notices from displaying = 2.0.5 = * force service codes to be lowercase * If opting out of clickback tracking, set config to force opting out = 2.0.4 = * Fix conflict with other plugins * Prevent button js from appearing in feeds = 2.0.3 = * plugin should still work if theme doesn't have wp_head and wp_footer = 2.0.2 = * Bug Fixes * set addthis_exclude custom field to 'true' to not display addthis on that post / page * Added additional paramater to * Ability to specify custom toolboxes for both above and below * Added additional paramater to do_action('addthis_widget'). Paramaters are now: * * url (use get_permalink() if you are calling it inside the loop) * * title (use the_title() if calling inside the loop) * * Style (specify the style to display) See $addthis_new_styles for the styles. may also pass an arra (see addthis_custom_toolbox for array values to pass) = 2.0.1 = * Fix theme compatablity issues * Fix excerpts bug * Add option to not display on excerpts * Restore option to customize services * Add more filters = 2.0.0 = * Redesigned Settings page * Added Share Counter option * Redesigned Admin Dashboard widget * Updated sharing widget options * Updated sidebar widget to extend WP_Widget = 1.6.7 = * Using wp_register_sidebar_widget() in WordPress installs that support it = 1.6.6 = * Fixed argument bug in 1.6.5 = 1.6.5 = * Added support for arbitrary URL and title in template tag as optional parameters * i.e., * Can be called, for example, with get_permalink() and the_title() within a post loop, or some other URL if necessary = 1.6.4 = * Fixed parse bug with "static" menu option * Fixed regression of brand option = 1.6.3 = * Added template tags. <?php do_action( 'addthis_widget' ); ?> in your template will print an AddThis button or toolbox, per your configuration. * Added clickback tracking. * Added "Automatic" language option. We'll auto-translate the AddThis button and menu into our supported languages depending on your users' settings. * Fixed script showing up in some trackback summaries. = 1.6.2 = Fixed name conflict with get_wp_version() (renamed to addthis_get_wp_version()), affecting users with the k2 theme. = 1.6.1 = Fixed nondeterministic bug with the_title(), causing the title to occasionally appear in posts. = 1.6.0 = * Added toolbox support * Added WPMU support * For WP 2.7+ only: * Added support for displaying basic sharing metrics in the WordPress dashboard * Updated settings management to use nonces == Upgrade Notice == = 6.1.7 = * Fixed a bug where previewing a new post may remove tools = 6.1.6 = * Removed Pro features and country dropdown menu for registration page = 6.1.5 = * Updated yaml configs and added script tag to login page = 6.1.4 = * Remove uninstallation hook = 6.1.3 = * Added actviation/deactivation/uninstallation hook * Upadate readme.txt and screenshots = 6.1.2 = * Updated messaging and tested compatibility with Wordpress 4.9 = 6.1.1 = * Fix for PHP notice from AddThisPlugin.php on line 610. Changing the permission capability used for determining when users can edit AddThis settings from activate_plugins to manage_options. This will allow most admins on multi-site instances to edit settings. More information on WordPress roles and capabilities. = 6.1.0 = Fixs for PHP errors, whitespace issues, changes in default settings. Adding requested AddThisWidgetByDomClass functionality that will allow users adding a widget via PHP to customze the URL, title, description and image used for that share. = 6.0.0 = Plugin rewritten from scratch. Adding shortcodes for use inside posts for all current AddThis tools. Redesigned the plugin's widget to work all current AddThis sharing tools. The class for the new widget is AddThisWidgetByDomClass. Widgets created through WordPress's UI will automatically be migrated to use the new class. However, any hard coded use of the old widget class AddThisSidebarWidget will need to be updated before upgrading. Developer documentation on the new widget is available. The filter addthis_post_exclude is replaced with addthis_sharing_buttons_enable. Please review the documentation for usage. Full compatibility with the current Follow Buttons by AddThis, Related Posts by AddThis, Smart Layers by AddThis, and Website Tools by AddThisplugins. = 5.1.3 = * Fixing preview options in plugin settings * Using a more unique preview identifier to reduce likelyhood of conflicts with other plugins (specifically Public Post Preview) = 5.1.2 = * Resolves a bug where above excerpt sharing buttons would be added whenever below excerpt sharing buttons were enabled * Adding back in the addthis_post_exclude filter = 5.1.1 = * PHP notice at addthis_social_widget.php:1337 * PHP error for older versions of PHP (< 5.3.0) at addthis_settings_functions.php:476 * Adding select configs and page info into addthis_plugin_info to aide the AddThis Support Team with troubleshooting = 5.1.0 = * New feature: set your own addthis.layers() paramaters to customize further using our Smart Layers API (in WordPress mode only) * Fixing a bug with the AddThis Sharing Buttons meta box not showing up for users in AddThis mode when editing posts * Fixing a bug with addthis_config where the JSON wasn't always checked before submitting the settings form * Fixing a bug with the sharing sidebar, where the theme for the sidebar was used for all AddThis layers tools (in WordPress mode) * Fixing a bug between AddThis Sharing Buttons and AddThis Follow Buttons, where saving changes in Follow Buttons would reset Sharing Buttons settings * Support for WordPress 4.3 = 5.0.12 = * Fixing a bug that resets settings to defaults during the upgrade for users in AddThis mode * Reverting to pre-5.0.9 settings of plugin for upgrades from 5.0.9, 5.0.10 and 5.0.11 = 5.0.11 = * Fixing overwrite of $addThisConfig global to resolve more PHP errors where a function is called from a non-object = 5.0.10 = * Fixing bug where all checkboxes get unchecked on first settings page save * Fixing PHP error with getConfigs() on a non-object in addthis_social_widget.php on line 1086 = 5.0.9 = * Updated troubleshooting information available to AddThis support to be more in line with other plugins, including providing the anonymous profile IDs to help in moving over statistics to registered profile IDs upon request. * Improving the way variables are being shared to support global AddThis variables between AddThis plugins (not supported yet by any other plugin) and plugin specific settings. Specifically, this is to make sure things such as the profile ID or addthis_config settings are the same across all AddThis plugins. * Refactored the filter used on wp_trim_excerpt in WordPress mode to better interact with other modules' and themes' filters on wp_trim_excerpt, excerpt_length and excerpt_more (such as mh-magazine-lite) * Resolving issues with PHP errors for URLs with %s in them when using "Select Your Own" services * Resolving services bug, where once a user selected their own for above or below content, the custom services where always used, even if the user went back to Auto Personalization * Fixing bug with a PHP warning for undefined index below_chosen_list = 5.0.8 = * PHP notice fix for AddThisConfigs.php on line 204 = 5.0.7 = * Changed the page/post edit screens AddThing sharing buttons checkbox to on/off radiobuttons * Added a checkbox to the plugin's settings page's Advanced Options tab to enable/disable the per page/post sharing button configurations mentioned above = 5.0.6 = * Limiting when we filter content from get_the_excerpt because of issues with the manshet and backstreet themes * Reducing PHP warnings and error messages * Adding back in addthis_config.ignore_server_config JavaScript variable for WordPress model (for on page configurations) * Adding data-cfasync="false" to all AddThis JavaScript to stop CloudFlare's RocketScript feature from breaking sharing buttons = 5.0.5 = * Adding all WordPress mode Advanced Options to AddThis mode Advanced Options. These are primarily options to edit the addthis_share and addthis_config JavaScript variables used by AddThis tools, as well as giving you the option to choose whether to load the AddThis script asyncronously. * Removing conflicts with WordPress Login Box plugin * Removing conflicts with AddThis Follow Widget plugin * CSS to remove new lines from br tags between our buttons, because some themes add them and break stuff (such as Customizr) * Exposing more objects for use with adding sharing buttons to troublesome themes = 5.0.3 = * Two functional modes allowing users to choose whether to control sharing buttons from within the WordPress admin area (with limited features), or through the AddThis Dashboard at addthis.com. * Sharing sidebar configuration available within WordPress (in addition to the previously available sharing buttons above and below content). * Seperate preferences for what sharing buttons appear on what templates. * Cleaned up plugin and removed deprecated AddThis config options. * Added beauty. * Removed the global configuration for custom service list. * Removed support for themes that use the get_the_excerpt method because of inconsistent results across themes. = 4.0.7 = * Added node marker and loop cap to getFirstElderWithCondition to solve infinite loop * Fixed the issue where characters *,+,- were printed in feeds = 4.0.6 = * Adds data-url and data-title attributes to get_the_excerpt toolbox divs = 4.0.5 = * Fixed js folder = 4.0.4 = * Fixed issues with certain themes using get_the_excerpt method * Fixed issue with Share layer and Recommended layer showing up in wrong order * Fixed issue with Recommended layer showing up page title instead of Recommended layer title * Fixed PHP warnings in Divi theme = 4.0.3 = * Removed addthis initialization function (addthis.init()) to avoid javascript error in async mode. * Added option to show inline sharing buttons on category and archive pages = 4.0.2 = * Control inline share buttons for each page/post * Implemented asynchronous script loading * Added option to add checkbox to show/hide Addthis sharing buttons in admin post add/edit page. * Prevented buttons showing on 404 error pages * CSS fixes * Added css classes to prevent inline div from taking extra spaces = 4.0.1 = * Frictionless integration with AddThis Dashboard. * Updated services list in description * Added new snapshots to give more idea on the new plugin flow * Minor text changes = 4.0 = * Integrated with AddThis Dashboard. * Managed the plugin in such a way that, tool settings can be controlled from AddThis Dashboard * Provided options to upgrade to new setup for the existing users = 3.5.10 = * Minor bug fix = 3.5.9 = * CURL bug fix = 3.5.8 = Minor bug fix = 3.5.7 = Minor updates = 3.5.6 = Minor updates = 3.5.5 = Bug fixes = 3.5.4 = Bug fixes = 3.5.3 = Fix for wrong url being shared while using Custom Button option = 3.5.2 = Bug fixes. = 3.5.1 = Reintroduced Custom Button Code box = 3.5 = Drag and drop customization of buttons, better preview of buttons = 3.1 = Bug fixes, better validations = 3.0.5 = Bug fixes = 3.0.4 = Bug fixes, made WPSupercache friendly = 3.0.3 = Bug fixes. = 3.0.2 = Bug fixes. = 3.0.1 = Bug fixes. = 3.0 = Updated UI, AddThis account verification and bug fixes. = 2.5.1 = Bug fixes. = 2.5.0 = Updated share menu, Instant Share, Pinterest updates and bug fixes. = 2.4.3 = Fixed admin console bug for non-administrators. = 2.4.1 = Bug fixes. = 2.4.0 = Better performance and improved UI. = 2.3.2 = New option for opting out of copy text tracking. = 2.3.0 = Improve the Settings interface and add Google Analytics integration. = 2.2.1 = Add 3.2 compatability. = 2.2.0 = More customization options. = 2.1.0 = More features, more filters, more social goodness. = 2.0.5 = Force service codes to be lowercase and, if opting out of clickback tracking, set config to force opting out. = 2.0.4 = Fix conflict with other plugins and other bug fixes. = 2.0.3 = Still work in themes that don't have wp_head and wp_footer. = 2.0.2 = Bug fixes, enhanced customization. = 2.0.1 = Bug fixes, more filters, small tweak to options. = 2.0.0 = More and better options for sharing widgets. Redesigned analytics dashboard widget and interface.