Kitchen knives for all uses

SABATIER Diamant, several ranges of kitchen knives

Paring, cutting and peeling

Office 10cm - SABATIER Diamant - Idéalis
Parer 10 cm


Bec d'oiseau - SABATIER Diamant - Delphis
Bird's beak


different uses of Sabatier Diamant kitchen knives

Parer  8 or 10 cm
Sheep foot 7 cm
Bird’s beak 8 cm

Slicing tomatoes and star fruit

Couteau Tomate - SABATIER Diamant - Constance
Slicing tomato – SABATIER Diamant – Constance

Choppig, mincing, cutting up, slicing

Cuisine de 15 - SABATIER Diamant - IDEALIS
Kitchen knife 15, 20 or 30 cm


Tranchelard - SABATIER Diamant - PROVENCE


Cuisine de 30 cm - SABATIER Diamant - IDEALIS
Cuisine de 20 cm - SABATIER Diamant - IDEALIS
Kitchen knife 20 cm – SABATIER Diamant – IDEALIS

Slicing bacon, carving a joint of red meat

Yatagan - SABATIER Diamant - Idéalis
Use the slicer or the Yatagan kitchen knife (see above photo)

Filet de sole - SABATIER Diamant - Idéalis

Use this knife for filleting a large fish, carving slices of smoked salmon or a roast

Couteaux saumon - SABATIER Diamant - Constance
Salmon knife – SABATIER Diamant – Constance

Use this knife to carve slices of ham

Couteau jambon - SABATIER Diamant - CONSTANCE
for ham – SABATIER Diamant – CONSTANCE

You can use this knife to slice any kind of bread

Couteau à pain - SABATIER Diamant - PROVENCE
for bread - SABATIER Diamant - PROVENCE

Other SABATIER Diamant kitchen knives for other uses D'autres usages et encore d'autres couteaux SABATIER Diamant

  • Use this kitchen knife to remove the flesh
  • Use this kitchen knife to carve a rabbit or to cut off a fish head 
  • Use this kitchen knife to cleave, carve, cut up, hash